Setup HP 4500 Wireless Printer in Linux Mint

By | December 14, 2015

This post explains how to setup a wireless HP printer (specifically the HP Envy 4500) in Linux using the hp-setup program. The hp-setup program comes pre-installed in Ubuntu and Mint Linux. Printer Network Setup Follow the instructions that came with your printer to connect it to your wireless network. Print a setup page to get… Read More »

Recording a Macro in OpenOffice

By | December 14, 2015

Repeating tasks in OpenOffice Calc, or any other spreadsheet application, can be a tedious process. For example, if you want to sort a group of cells based on a custom order, you would have to do the following: Select a range of rows and columns Click Data Click Sort Select key #1 Click the options… Read More »

Syncing Web Servers Using Rsync over SSH

By | November 30, 2015

After making several modifications to your test site, what’s the best way to transfer those changes to your live site? This post explains how to use Rsync over SSH to keep your test website synchronized to your live site. Rsync saves time and is more efficient than using FTP to upload files one at a… Read More »

Mount Apache’s Web Directory Using Virtual Box Shared Folders

By | November 30, 2015

It’s convenient to have a local web server where you can test changes to your website before uploading them to your live site, but how do you get your local web development files to the virtual web server? FTP or SSH? Constantly transferring files from the local host machine to the virtual server can take… Read More »

Update MySQL Table Using HTML, jQuery & AJAX

By | November 16, 2015

In this post, you will learn how to use HTML and jQuery AJAX to update the rows of a MySQL database table. For this example, the HTML table will have a total of five columns. The first four will contain data pulled from a MySQL database. The cells will be editable so that the user… Read More »

Import HTML Table into MySQL Database

By | November 6, 2015

Do you have an HTML table that you’d like to import into a MySQL database? This post will explain how to do it. The process involves creating a new database (unless you already have one), creating a new table, and importing the table using an HTML DOM parser script. Create a New Database Log in… Read More »

Create a Git Repository and Push it to Github

By | November 6, 2015

In this post, you will learn how to setup a local git repository in Linux and upload it to your Github account. Github is like a social networking site for computer programmers. You can share your code with the world so that anyone can view it, copy it, and improve upon it. Create your Github… Read More »

Debugging Assembly Programs with gdb

By | November 2, 2015

Is your program crashing due to a segmentation fault or some other error? Not sure why? Use gdb (GNU debugger) to pointpoint the section of code that’s causing problems. gdb comes installed by default on most linux installations. In order for gdb to work, the program must be compiled with debugging flags. For example:  nasm… Read More »

Setup Samba File Sharing on Linux Mint

By | November 2, 2015

Samba is free software for Linux servers that allows you to share directories and files with Windows workstations, other Linux machines, and smart phones. While the configuration is relatively straightforward, there are quite a few things that can go wrong. This post has the steps you need to get it installed and configured, along with… Read More »

Wake up an Ubuntu Server with Windows

By | October 24, 2015

Corporate servers are typically powered on 24×7 to serve incoming client requests. But if you’re running a simple server on your home network, you may wish to keep it in sleep mode until you actually need to use it. What’s the easiest way to wake the server up from sleep mode? One option is to… Read More »